MaryviewTv Videos – religious
What is Communion to me?
It is a central ritual in Christianity that commemorates and celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this ceremony, Christians consume consecrated bread and wine, which symbolize the body and blood of Jesus Christ, according to Christian belief.
How God is love if no us?
The idea of God’s love and creation is often discussed in theological and philosophical terms. Many religious traditions teach that God is inherently loving by nature. This means that love is an essential characteristic of God, not something that arises out of need or external conditions. Therefore, God’s act of creation can be seen as an expression of that love, creating beings to share in existence and experience the goodness of creation.
A True Sabbath Keeper
In Judaism, the Sabbath (Shabbat) is observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening, marking a day of rest and worship. For Christians, it’s typically observed on Sunday, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Is there VALUE in Finding God?
Reality of self-existence is a multifaceted concept that encompasses philosophical, spiritual, psychological, and scientific dimensions, each offering different perspectives on the nature of being and identity. Ultimately, it’s a deeply personal and subjective journey to explore and understand one’s own existence.